A.: Once you have created an organizational profile and it has been approved by Concordia Career Services, you may proceed to add job postings. Simply select "Job Postings" from the top navigational bar, then "Post a Job" from the drop down menu. Enter all relevant information for your job posting. Once your posting has been created, it will be reviewed by Career Services. Once approved, you will be sent an email advising you that your job posting has been activated. Please be advised that all new organization requests and job postings will take up to three business days for review and follow-up with you.
A.: You may edit a Job Posting while it is pending approval by Career Services or after it is already active. Simply select "Job Postings" from the top navigational bar, then either "Manage My Department Job Postings" or "Manage My Pending Job Postings" from the drop down menu, depending on whether or not the job posting has been approved and activated by Career Services.
A.: To delete or change the end date of your Job Posting, select "Job Postings" from the top navigational bar, then "Manage My Department Job Postings" from the drop down menu. Here, you can select the "delete" or "edit" icon for your job posting to make any necessary changes.
A.: Please ensure that your job posting complies with Concordia's employer recruitment guidelines and that you have completed all of the fields outlined in the job posting. If you have questions, you may contact Career Services at (780)378-8461 or careerservices@concordia.ab.ca
A.: Please contact Career Services at careerservices@concordia.ab.ca or (780)378-8461 for more information on employer services on campus and to make a request.
A.: When you complete a Job Posting request, you will be asked for application start and end dates. Your posting will be removed from the Career Portal on your selected end date.
A.: Students want to know as much information about a position as possible. Please be as detailed as possible when creating a Job Posting, including a full job description, qualifications, salary, hours, location, etc.
A.: At this time, there is not an option to upload your resume. Please follow the instructions listed on each Job Posting on how employer want you so submit your resume to them.
A.: Your organization is the company you work for. Your department is your work area within your organization (e.g. Human Resources, Accounting, Engineering, etc.)